Thursday, February 17, 2011

Married man ending... sigh

Well, we ended it.  Turns out that the rumor mill is rampant.  He got paranoid about real life people knowing about us.  I still care for him a great deal, and he wanted to remain friends, but it was so painful to talk to him that I just couldn't do it and I ended up telling him it had to be over for good.  I might change my mind.  I really do miss him.  But at this point I have to maintain silence between he and I because I just can't see it ending well.

He always chickened out.  He was so taken with me but then he feels guilty.  I remember one time he said 'what, do you expect me to leave my wife?' which I resopnded with 'of course not'... but the truth is what did I expect?  I probably would have expected that one day and that would be so strange, considering I am married.  The grass is always greener on the other side and honestly at this point I realize that I really do love my husband, even if he doesn't thrill me like he used to.

Mid life crisis averted!

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