Friday, August 14, 2009

What its Worth

My entire life
I felt abandoned with pain and with strife
Father what have I done
Why are you always gone

I always blamed you
I went against the grain, felt worthless and alone
What could I have done
to make you stay with me, I could have been the child you want

I was always told
He loves you as much as he's able to so
You really need to move on....
He is ill and he's gone

I always blamed you
I went against the grain, felt worthless and alone
What could I have done
to make you stay with me, I could have been the child you need....

I blamed him for all
the wrong in my life..
He's the one that's at fault. Still something wasn't right
I was awake all night

I always blamed you
I went against the grain, felt worthless and alone
What could I have done
to make you stay with me, I could have been the child that's wrong

When the doctor called
Mom's at the hospital
something is wrong
We can't find what it is
Was the blame not all his

I always blamed you
I went against the grain, felt worthless and alone
What could I have done
to make you stay with me, I could have been the child in need..

Illness can be
Subversive and subtle can also demean
I couldn't see it all
But it has built my wall

I never blamed you
I went against the grain, felt worthless and alone
What could I have done
to make you care and see I could have been the child indeed....

Looking at your life
I see your pain and your hatred and strife
You weren't completely to blame
Somebody caused you pain

I shouldn't blame you
I went against the grain, felt worthless and alone
What could I have done
to realize that I had value on my own....

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